Fewer Pull Requests with Dependabot groups

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We have talked many times before about how Dependabot has been a massive time saver for projects, helping to streamline dependency updates. However, after a big .NET release, it’s not uncommon for the Pull Requests tab to have lots of individual PR’s we need to triage, approve, and merge. Fortunately, the newly GA-ed Dependabot grouping feature is here to improve our quality of life.

With a couple of lines of yaml in our depenabot.yml file, we can group updates into one PR. However, there are a couple of best practices we have identified.

  • We personally like to use the "*" wildcard to capture all updates to a project, but if you only want certain dependencies, you can specify patterns to include or ignore.
  • You can limit the grouping to only certain version updates. Particularly in the example where we are using the "*" wildcard, we think it’s important to only group minor and patch updates – major updates generally have API breakages and have a lot more risk of things breaking – especially if they are grouped with smaller dependency updates.
      patterns: ["*"]
      update-types: ["minor", "patch"]

For context, for a testing project, our complete dependabot.yml file looks like this:

version: 2
- package-ecosystem: nuget
  directory: /src/DotNetHelloWorld.Tests/
    interval: daily
    time: "06:00"
    timezone: America/New_York
  open-pull-requests-limit: 10
      patterns: ["*"]
      update-types: ["minor", "patch"]

Looking at the same Pull Request tab, we can see there are just 2 pull requests, with one containing a group of 3 dependencies.

Looking closer at the grouped pull request, we can see the 3 dependencies included in the update.

Looking at the file changes, we can see all of the updates:


  • Currently groups only work with Dependabot updates, not Dependabot security alerts
  • Currently you can only scan a project at a time – but this makes sense – this generally means there are less changes to review.


This morning there were a number of new dependency updates. Instead of 15 separate pull requests, they were grouped in 6 pull requests – this is just a third (!!!) of the pull requests we would normally have to triage, approval, and merge.

Simple little change, but big improvement in quality of life!


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